Start dato:

12. 05. 2025




In-Person & Online

Take Your Leadership Skills to New Levels with Mindjuice Leader Coach Education

In our professional leader coach education, you will learn to inspire others, create flow, engagement, and achieve extraordinary results.

With the Mindjuice Leader Coach Education, you will develop your skills both as a leader and a coach, and learn how to support others in developing their own skills and improving their results. The Leader Coach Education focuses on a variety of skills such as powerful communication, active listening, personal impact, coaching employees, and a deep understanding of human behavior.

Don’t miss our next free Masterclass on the Leader Coach Education! » 

The Leader Coach Education is a unique investment for anyone who wants to develop their leadership abilities and help others achieve their full potential.

What you get:

What you will learn:

Why Should You Take Your Leader Coach Education at Mindjuice?

The Mindjuice Leader Coach Education is a unique journey into the world and into one of the most ambitious and intense training programs for future leaders.

You will learn to map the path to motivation and drive for yourself and others, to optimally leverage your strengths, to sharpen your messages, build high-performance teams, anchor organizational changes, and handle conflicts.

True Leadership Requires More Than Knowledge and Strategy

It takes personal impact, human insight, and purpose for leaders to create genuine leadership.

According to an extensive study by Rigét’s Network regarding the qualities that define future leaders, the most important quality is coaching, followed by adaptability and accountability.

Why is Coaching the Most Important Quality for the Future?

Note that coaching has now claimed the top spot in leadership, and many leaders will claim they coach their employees all day long.

However, our experience tells a different story. Many leaders say they coach, but only a few truly know how to do it effectively.

At Mindjuice Academy, you will learn how to coach the right way. Since our style is transformative, this means you will learn how to support people in shifting their state of awareness. In other words, you will learn how to coach others (and yourself) to enter a state of flow.

Coach Education for Leaders

In the Leader Coach Education, you will have the opportunity to implement a range of leadership and performance tools under expert guidance. You must be a leader to participate in the program, meaning your fellow students will have a similar background and experience base.

What Former Participants Say

Hear What Former Director of LEGO House, Jesper Vilstrup, Says About Mindjuice Leader Coach Education.
Hear What Author and Former Minister Manu Sareen Says About Mindjuice Leader Coach Education.
Hear What Air Traffic Controller at Naviair, Esben Blum, Says About Mindjuice Leader Coach Education.

Foundation I: Ambition

Our goal with the Leader Coach Education at Mindjuice is to develop the world’s most skilled and respected leaders.

To achieve this, we draw on a global pool of knowledge, science, and training—from pragmatism to philosophy, wisdom theory, leadership models, assertion training, and modern leadership theories.

Your Development on the Fast Track

Through a highly structured series of experiences, the Leader Coach Education puts your development on the fast track. We work within core areas such as personal leadership, powerful communication, psychology, and with the Mindjuice model as an effective tool for change.

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Foundation II:
Greater Purpose – Bigger Profit

Around the world, experts, leaders, and studies agree that purpose is the success criterion of the future for developing businesses, teams, and personal leadership.

Consumers are increasingly drawn to companies that speak to their values. According to global studies, purpose is crucial for a company’s positive brand development, sales, and consumer loyalty, as the competition is fierce.

Purpose is Magic for Both Your Business and Yourself

Purpose that extends beyond just financial goals forms the foundation for some of the world’s most visionary and growing companies, and it is fundamental for inspiring leadership. The world is desperately calling for innovation and visionary leaders. Why not become one of them?

True Leadership is Not Something You Are Born With

It requires the ability to manage yourself and your challenges on a fine-tuned continuum of wisdom, calm, strength, and endurance. It’s about balance and training both your inner Yoda and your inner special forces operative.

The Leader Coach Education develops your essential leadership qualities through shadow work based on the work of psychoanalyst C.G. Jung and the Enneagram, one of the world’s fastest-growing tools in human development.

Gain Insight into What the Enneagram Can Offer

In a global study of 72 companies, including giants like Toyota, Best Buy, and Daimler-Mitsubishi, the Enneagram is credited with significant improvements in communication, sales, collaboration, and employee engagement.

Read the CNN article on how companies use the Enneagram

What Former Participants Say

Jesper Præstensgaard
Jesper Præstensgaard Chairman of the Board, Consultant at Boston Consulting Group, and Former Director for Maersk in Asia
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"Thorough and competent presentation. Great energy, flow, and humor. I’ve been surprised by how convincing the Mindjuice model is."
Jesper Klein-Petersen
Jesper Klein-PetersenInvestor & Independent Business Leader
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"I learned to stay on my own side of the court. Today, I inspire my fellow human beings to unlock their full potential rather than dictate."
Michael Holt
Michael Holt Editor-in-Chief, VMAX
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"Truly positively surprised by the quality of the training, clearly exceeding expectations. A great mix of theory, demonstrations, exercises, and short breaks – perfect."
Claus Petterson
Claus PettersonParty Entrepreneur
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"It's not for the faint-hearted, as everyone has their hand on the hot plate at Mindjuice. That's the key to the transformation I now stand with."
Torben Galst
Torben GalstPartner, CTI Consultancy
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"A treasure trove of insights and tools, both for personal and professional relationships. I feel empowered as a person and have greater impact, calm, and balance."
Anette Nielsen
Anette NielsenCustomer Manager at TDC
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"It has become easier for me to act as a leader. I can meet and fulfill my employees' needs while the business continues to grow."
Lizette Bausager
Lizette BausagerBusiness Owner
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"I have learned to communicate more clearly and effectively with my customers and employees. A positive chain reaction."

Your guarantee of quality

Content of the Leader Coach Education

Many leaders believe they are already practicing coaching in their leadership style. However, this often turns out to not be the case. You will learn from the very beginning how coaching differs from management, supervision, guidance, motivation, and counseling, as well as when it is beneficial to use coaching and when something else is needed.

The 5 Fundamental Phases in the Mindjuice Model
Goals, obstacles, pattern breaks, opportunities, and commitment. Here, you will be introduced to Mindjuice’s foundational phases in change management and receive demonstrations of what you will be able to do once you complete the program.

Goal Clarification
The first phase in the model. Simple things seem simple, but it takes practice to become sharp at goal clarification. Many leaders know too little about making detailed goal-setting, and training in this area can create significant shifts in any organization in a very short time.

Typology Tool – The Enneagram
You will be introduced to the nine types in today’s most useful typology tool. You will gain insight into the unique strengths and challenges of each type. You will learn how to use the typology tool to support and motivate individuals of each type. Additionally, you will be able to use the tool to support change processes by assembling teams with personality types that complement each other.

Present Listening
An apparently simple skill, yet in practice, it presents a major challenge. Often, we start interpreting and evaluating early in a conversation, which affects our attention. This can lead to missing crucial information and being perceived as distant or disengaged. As a leader, if you want your employees to be able to talk to you about difficult aspects of their work life—such as stress, conflicts, fear of failure, or mistakes—it requires that you are able to listen actively. In this module, you will train yourself to listen without interpreting or evaluating. You will learn how to continually mirror exactly what your employee is telling you, thus enhancing your attention to what is being said and making your employees feel that you are fully present and listening.

Affirmative vs. Limiting Communication
Typically, we aren’t even aware that we are using limiting communication. Yet, we all do it. It’s the result of thoughts that have led to actions that over time become ingrained habits. However, by increasing our awareness of how we communicate, we can change these patterns. You will gain insight into how to transform your limiting communication into new, affirmative ways of expressing things. You will practice different forms of communication to observe the results they create. You will learn the difference between pushing a decision through versus creating lasting inspiration and support around new initiatives and changes.

The greatest obstacles are typically within ourselves. We may have a belief that we won’t meet our goals, often rooted in fear rather than facts. In this module, you will be trained to distinguish between and explore obstacles—both your own and those of your employees.

From the Sidelines to the Field
Accountability brings strength, while playing the victim role creates fear. You will be trained to see how we are the creators of our own experience of work life, rather than being victims of circumstances. You will learn how to pass this mindset on to your employees in an inspiring way.

Phase 3 in the Mindjuice Model: Motivation and Pattern Breaks
To create lasting change, we must break old patterns and create new ones that support our goals. This process is often highly underestimated, as we tend to focus on “solving the problem” instead of addressing the underlying patterns. Breaking a pattern requires that we have been specific during goal clarification and in identifying obstacles, as this is where the pattern’s shape emerges. You will practice several types of pattern breaks that can lead to breakthroughs.

Your Personal Strength
No one can access their full potential without also confronting what they fear. Our ambitions naturally grow when we no longer fear failure in our relationships. Here, you will learn to distinguish between interpretations and facts, thus regaining your strength in collaborative relationships.

Leadership Style
There are many different theories about leadership styles and types. Mindjuice has developed its own leadership typology model. We will explore which of these models you typically use. What are the advantages of each leadership type, and where are the challenges? How can you integrate the different leadership types to create an entirely new leadership style that will support you as a leader—without changing who you are, but instead, developing further?

Phase 4 in the Mindjuice Model: Opportunities
What is possible with all the breakthroughs you create during a coaching session? In this module, you will gain the tools to ensure that new behaviors align with both the individual’s and the organization’s values, as this ensures lasting development on both fronts.

Phase 5 in the Mindjuice Model: Commitment
When organizational changes need to be anchored within a company, it requires that employees are committed. If commitment is not achieved, the changes will fade away. Fortunately, there are many ways to generate commitment around new initiatives, and you will learn how to ensure that your employees commit to your shared goals.

Vision and Mission
Few leaders take the time to formulate a personal vision and mission for their role as a leader. In this module, you will commit to a personal leadership style that truly inspires you. When you are clear about your own mission as a leader, you will be able to use this clarity to inspire and motivate your employees towards your shared goals.

How Do I Use Coaching as a Leader?
There are several classic challenges that every coach and leader encounters when integrating coaching into their leadership style. You will learn to assess when it is beneficial to use coaching and when it is not.

The Difficult Conversation
As a leader, you must master many types of conversations. Coaching-based leadership can be applied across a wide range of leadership areas. We will review relevant theory and train how to use coaching as an integrated tool within the leadership domain.

Written Examination
In this module, you will complete a written exam covering the knowledge you have gained throughout the Mindjuice Leader Coach Education, with the goal of becoming certified as a Mindjuice Leader Coach.

Oral Examination
In Module 6, you will undergo an oral exam where you will demonstrate your abilities as a leader coach.

After successfully passing both the written and oral exams, you will receive your certification as a Mindjuice Leader Coach.

We will powerfully conclude the journey you have completed in the program as a group, reflecting on the growth and learning experienced throughout the training.

Program for Mindjuice Leader Coach Education

See our program for Leader coach education and read more about the content of each module.

Download PDF
Download program for Mindjuice Leader Coach Education here

Price for Leader Coach Education
The cost of the training is 89,995 DKK excluding VAT. It is possible to pay in installments. Learn more

Pernille W Lauritsen - Mindjuice Academy

Meet Your Instructors - Pernille W. Lauritsen

The lead instructor for the Leader Coach Training is the founder and CEO of Mindjuice, Pernille W. Lauritsen.

Pernille has over 20 years of experience and more than 2,000 coaching sessions as a professional coach and international mentor coach across Europe and the USA.

She is a former president of ICF in Denmark, and Pernille is the brain and heart behind the development of the Mindjuice coaching model and training programs, as well as the author of four books.

Since her first training in England in 1997, she has completed education and training programs with several international instructors, including psychologist Irene Ostrich, Byron Katie, Pablo Russel, and Debbie Ford.

Additionally, she has had close collaboration with the late Don Riso from the Enneagram Institute in New York and Danish family therapist and founder of the Kempler Institute, Jesper Juul.

Lise Westphal

Lise has been an entrepreneur for most of her life – for 20 years as CEO and co-owner of one of the country’s largest communication agencies, Primetime, and is now working as a coach and instructor at Mindjuice Academy.

Lise graduated as a coach from Mindjuice Academy in 2021 and the following year completed a Master’s in Team Coaching & Leadership. Additionally, she has completed several of our courses on the Enneagram personality tool. She is originally trained as a journalist.

Her background as an entrepreneur, leader, and advisor at the top management level, combined with her life experience and the new tools she has gained as a professionally trained Mindjuice Coach, gives Lise a strong foundation to support and motivate others to transform their lives and leadership.

Lise Westphal - underviser Mindjuice Ledercoach

Registration for Mindjuice Leader Coach Education

Price: 89,995 DKK excluding VAT

10% discount by registrering 6 months prior to startup.
5% discount by registrering 3 months prior to startup.

Betal din mindjuice uddannelse i rater

We offer installment payment, allowing you to divide your payment into 3 installments of DKK 29,998 each.

There is an additional fee of DKK 1,000 per installment for splitting the payment.

The first installment is due upon registration, the second installment one month after, and the third installment one month after that.

Installment payments cannot be combined with the Early Bird discount.

SKattefri uddannelse

As an employee, you can enter into an agreement with your workplace on a gross salary scheme – also known as a flexible salary package. This means that as an employee, you can receive Mindjuice Coach Education as a personal benefit paid for by your workplace and deducted from your gross salary over a year. That is, your salary before VAT is deducted – so you save VAT.

Expenses due to the education are covered by the scheme, but the coach education must of course be relevant to your work.

Call us on +45 3313 3301 to learn more about the scheme and your options – or contact SKAT on +45 7222 1818.


The training is held as a combination of in-person attendance and online instruction.
The physical location is Mindjuice Headquarters, Vimmelskaftet 41C, 1161 Copenhagen K.

How Can You Use the Leader Coach Education in Your Life?

Free Coaching Strategi Session

Would you like to learn more about the content of the Leader Coach Education and how you can use coaching in your personal and professional life?
Then book a free and inspiring clarity session with one of our Mindjuice Coaches.

Discover what the Mindjuice Leader Coach Education can do for you in your life.

Next team on the Mindjuice Leader Coach Education





12. 05. 2025
In-Person & Online


Module 1 (in-person)::
12. 05. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
13. 05. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
Module 2 (online):
16. 06. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
17. 06. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
Module 3 (in-person):
25. 08. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
26. 08. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
Module 4 (online):
29. 09. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
30. 09. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
Module 5 (in-person):
11. 11. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
12. 11. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
Module 6 (online):
16. 12. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
17. 12. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
Graduation (online):
17. 12. 2025 kl. 17:30-19:00


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Du skal acceptere handelsbetingelserne
Du skal acceptere handelsbetingelserne
Module 1 (in-person):
12. 05. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
13. 05. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
Module 2 (online)
16. 06. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
17. 06. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
Module 3 (in-person)
25. 08. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
26. 08. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
Module 4 (online)
29. 09. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
30. 09. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
Module 5 (in-person)
11. 11. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
12. 11. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
Module 6 (online)
16. 12. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
17. 12. 2025 kl. 09:00-17:00
Graduation (online)
17. 12. 2025 kl. 17:30-19:00